Bug reporting fast, easy and accurate

Rewind is a simple to use session replay tool.

Its instant video reports provide visual proof of software problems and saves valuable time on replicating, diagnosing and fixing issues.

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End-users write poor bug reports

They don’t have the time, skill or interest.

Rewind helps them. Helps support. Helps suppliers.

“I can’t get a decent bug report

Rewind is a black-box flight recorder for PCs. When an end user finds a bug, they click the “Send Report” button, and you get a video of recent PC activity – the bug and what happens before.

So change the conversation between users, support and suppliers – get and provide video proof of every problem for fast, accurate bug reporting.


Better communication reduces frustration between users, support and software suppliers.


Instant video proof helps document software bugs and problems to support teams and suppliers.


Records errors as they happen, avoiding wasted time replicating easy and hard to find problems.


Configurable reporting to fit into your workflow. Store recordings in the cloud or internally - so GDPR safe.

Who benefits?

IT Support

Support teams waste time replicating reported bugs. When errors occur with critical software this brings pressure and stress for all. Rewind gives non technical users the tool they need to help support, managers and business owners. And you can send detailed reports to suppliers insisting on better reporting to fix bugs.

Software Vendors

Diagnosing bugs in deployed customer software is challenging and time-consuming. Adding Rewind to user installations gives you video reports of real-time errors. Allowing you to view the bugs customers are experiencing but fail to adequately report.


Providing external IT support and services, places you one step away from the users you’re supporting. Rewind provides video proof of problems and brings you closer to the customer experience. Giving them confidence they’ve reported the issues with detail and sent to the right place.

Young smiling well dressed businessman posing for a shot at the office

Capture it first time.
No wasted time replicating errors

Rewind captures the last few minutes of activity. It sends an instant and understandable bug report video to support, developers and managers. Saving managers and teams hours of time.

Runs Discreetly

Once installed on your PC, it operates quietly in the background, ensuring seamless performance.

Reports Rapidly

If a bug appears you can instantly send a report. Or, rapidly review and edit the capture before sending.

Sends Directly

Send your report to support or development teams. With the choice to send supporting files.

Seamless Setup

Provides complete coverage on users' PCs, discreetly safeguarding their experience.

Contact us for pricing

Our pricing is tailored to your organisation or company’s size and requirements.

Choose Your Plan

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  • Fixed price per seat
  • Discounted seat price
  • Deployment Support
Small Team
1 month free trial
1 month free trial

See what Rewind can do for your team

Contact us using the form and we’ll be in touch to help you transform your workflow.
